Cutural differences - Quiz # 2

• You are doing practical training in London.
•Your mentor is Phil, a 40-year old Londoner.
 Phil doesn't speak German and has never met people from a German speaking country before.
1) Small-talk – you want to break the ice. Which topic would you choose?
a) family b) weather c) politics

2) There is a difference of opinion between you and Phil. How do you tell him that he is not right?
a) You are not right. b) I think this is not true. c) I understand your point of view, but ...

3) Phil accidently treads on your foot. How do you react?
a) Sorry. b) Never mind. c) Ouch!

Cultural Differences – Quiz
• You arer doing practical training in London.
• Your mentor is Phil, a 40-year old Londoner-
Phil doesn't speak German and has never met people from a German speaking country before.
What would you do in the following situations?

1) Small-talk – you want to break the ice. Which topic would you choose?
a) family b) weather c) politics

2) There is a difference of opinion between you and Phil. How do you tell him that he is not right?
a) You are not right. b) I think this is not true. c) I understand your point of view, but ...

3) Phil accidently treads on your foot. How do you react?
a) Sorry. b) Never mind. c) Ouch!

What would you do in the following situations?

Cultural Differences – Quiz